Add user
  • Select Admin tool
  • Select Company / Users

  • Select department for the new user (here: Administration) - marked in bold text
  • Create new user by selecting "+"

  • Add user by registrating:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email adress
    • Username

You can select or change the selected department by clicking on the department line

  • Select "Create user" or add permission groups (2) and roles (3) right away. You can choose "Create User" without adding Permission groups and roles now.

Select permission groups for the user: click on "Permission groups" or "NEXT"

Add roles for the user:  click on "Roles" or "NEXT"

  • When user setup is finished, click on "Create User"

Edit user

  • Select the user
  • Click on the 3 dots
  • Select Edit 

Do your changes and UPDATE

Change Department by click on the user in the user list and drag into the new department.

Here you can also delete, set new password and archive the users.