Document properties are the information (meta data) about the document.

Here you can see:

Document properties:

From inside the document, click the 3 dot menu in the top right corner and chose "Document properties:"

From the document list, click the 3 dot menu to the right for the specific document:


  1. You can change the Title by writing in the field and then SAVE
  2. You can change Description by writing in the field and then SAVE
  3. See the status and version number of the document
  4. See the author, verifier and approver of this version of the document
  5. See the author, verifier and approver of the next version of the document

System administrator: Action log for the document

A log that show what changes has been done to the document and when.

Log when changing responsible for documents:

When someone changes the person responsible (author, verifier, approver) for a document, this will show in the log of the document.


An overview of which roles are connected to the document.


An overview of incoming and outgoing links for a document