When you approve a document you fill in:

  • Message to the author (not mandatory - this will show in the e-mail to the author and only there)
  • How long the document shall be valid for (see picture below) - default value will come up automatically
  • If you want the system to send an e-mail to the author when the document expires (who will have the mail is set in the Variables)
  • Significant update: if this is version 2 or more of a document you need to decide if it is a significant update or not. If it is a significant update this means that all users with this document in a role, need to read the document again. (The system sends notification to users every Monday, for documents to read. Site Administrators have the possibility to choose "Send notifications immediately" when adding a new document to a role, or when an update is "Significant").

Document valid for - you can select between:

  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • Unlimited (if this is set as an option in the Variables)
  • Date (select a date)

The choice "valid for unlimited" is practical if you add reports and other documentation to the system that shall not be renewed.