Settings for Data sets for deviations can be found under "Admin tools", "Data sets" and tab "Deviations"

In order to set the data sets for deviations, you need to have an overview of the risk matrix for the organization.

This is:

  • Consequence types
  • Severity types and rating
  • Injury types per consequence type
  • Likelihood ratings
  • At which score the risk turns from green to yellow and from yellow to red

You also need to add the cause categories here. Here you also add any translations for the data set you add.


  • Click Add consequence to add e new consequence type
  • Write the name of the consequence type
  • Save
  • Add translations of the consequence type by selecting Translations
  • Write the translated name of the consequence type for the wanted languages
  • Save

  • Edit by selecting 3 dots

  • You can see which injury type the consequence type is connected to by hoover the blue number.


  • Select the consequence type you will add the severity to
  • Click Add severity
  • Type the severity name and the rating
  • Add translation in translation tab
  • Save

  • Edit by selecting 3 dots

Injury Type

  • Add new injury type by selecting "Add injury type"
  • Type the injury name
  • Select for which consequences the injury type shall appear
  • Add translation in translation tab
  • Save

  • Edit by selecting 3 dots

  • You can see which consequence type the injury type is connected to by hoover the blue number.


  • Add likelihood by selecting "add likelihood"
  • Write the Likelihood name and rating
  • Add translation
  • Save

  • Edit by selecting 3 dots

Risk range

  • Set the number where the risk turns from green to yellow risk score
  • Set the number  where the risk turns from yellow to red risk score

Cause categories

  • Add new triggering or underlying causes by selection "add triggering / underlying cause"
  • Write the cause name
  • Add translation
  • Save

  • Edit by selecting 3 dots

Cost categories

  • Add a new cost categories "add triggering / underlying cause"
  • Write the cost name
  • Add translation
  • Save

  • Edit by selecting 3 dots