A role is built up by requirements and / or documents. The requirements are built up by documents. You can add a document directly to a role if you want.
It is possible to use the same requirement in many roles.
A document can be added to many roles or many requirements.
How to create a role with requirements and documents
Select "Admin tools"
Select "Competence"
- Select the department where the role should be or add it directly under an existing e.g."Demobedriften"
- Click on 3 dots
- Add role
- Type the name of the role
- Decide if the role should be default for the department, and/or apply for all internal/external users. This means that all users in the department and underlying departments will have this role automatically.
- Click "CREATE"
- Select the role
- Click on 3 dots
- Select Add requirement or
- Select Add document
- Requirement: Type the name of the requirement
- If you want to use an existing requirement, select that requirement and add it to the role
- Click "CREATE"
Add document to requirement:
- Select requirement
- Click 3 dots
- Click "Add document"
- Select the wanted documents from the document folders
- You can add documents from different folders in one operation. You can add documents with any status (under construction, for verification, for approval, approved), but only approved documents will be visible for the users with the role.
You can now see how the role is built up by clicking on the role.You can edit read frequency, read within days, notification by email and co-signing for each document by clicking 3 dots and "Properties".
You can disconnect a document from a role by clicking 3 dots and Disconnect.
- You can also choose "Notify immediately" if you add a new document or do a significant revision on an existing document, and want users to be notified of the update as soon as possible.
- Remember to click "SAVE" when finished.