Administrate users and competence:

There are 3 levels in the department structure for the permission groups for users, competence and reports:

  1. All departments - the permission is valid for all departments
  2. User department - the permission is valid for the department that the user is a part of and also the underlying departments
  3. Selected departments - the permission is valid for the selected departments

There are 5 different permissions for users and competence:

  1. Users: can add, edit, archive and delete users
  2. Departments: can add, edit and delete departments
  3. Roles and requirements - documents: can add documents to roles and requirements
  4. Roles and requirements - administrate: can create, edit and delete roles and requirements
  5. Roles - users: can add and remove roles to users

If you choose "Selected departments" e.g. on the "users" line, you can search for departments, and add them. 

It will then be shown that there are departments added. 

Permission groups for reports:

Make reports - can retrieve reports for the selected departments (all - user - selected):

  1. All departments - the right to access reports that show reading status in all departments 
  2. User department - the right gives access to extract reports that show the reading status in the same department and underlying departments of which the user is a part.
  3. Selected departments - the right to access reports that show reading status in selected departments.

From version 3.8 (New report module for Deviations / Measures): Remember to add rights for reports (either for everyone or your own department):