Regarding Deviations, this information can help the organization to get good statistics to find good actions, and to continuously improve.

Add categories

Select categories

Type of category you can select depends on your organization's setup of categories in the administration tool.

A star* means the field is mandatory. A category can be multi - or single-select.

Add consequences and injury type

If the deviation is an "incident", it has a real consequence. Select the consequence type, severity and injury type.

A deviation can have several consequence types.

Type of consequence, severity and injury that can be selected, depends your organization's set up of the data sets in the administration tool.

Add potential consequences and risk

All types of deviation has a potential consequence.

Select the consequence type, severity and recurrence risk. Then a risk score is calculated.

If a deviation has more than one potential consequences, the highest risk score will show as the risk score for the deviation.

The risk score is the number shown in the deviation folder. 

Which consequence types, severity and recurrence risk score you can select, depends your organization's set up of the data sets in the administration tool.